Artist’s Blog

  • Photography fail

    So, that was another fail action. I went out with my camera equipment and good lens because I wanted to take some pictures of the park since it was so beautifully quiet. And before all the leaves have fallen. And the next few days will be party nights again. I had everything with me, and it was beautiful, but when I took a photo, my camera showed me that I didn’t have a memory card in it.

    Well, now I remember the photos I once took in another park in a different city, which were also beautiful. These images are etched in my mind and remind me of solitary walks.

  • Photos of sky

    After a rainy afternoon yesterday, the gray sky has taken on a beautiful hue. There is nothing more satisfying than a camera that captures colors accurately. Although my camera is 15 years old, the model is probably even older.

  • Camera

    I will use my mirror reflex camera more often now, instead of just taking photos with my phone. I am very frustrated that I took all my camera equipment on my last trip, but then didn’t take a single photo. I am ashamed. But unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough time. Maybe next time.

  • Take a walk

    2024/06/23 at 2:11 pm

    So… the most important thing in life is to keep moving. Both physically and mentally. I go for a walk in the park.

  • gentle piano

    The sky wears a cloak of gray
    As birds sing their midday tune
    A neighbor’s piano gently plays
    In the bourgeois quarter’s afternoon

    The melodic notes drift through the air
    A soothing balm to the soul
    Caffeine fuels my creative flair
    As I savor instant noodles in a bowl

    Words flow onto the paper with ease
    Crafting my term paper with care
    Dreams of becoming a designer, at ease
    Hoping for a future bright and fair

  • Old Master

    I wander through the old town’s heart,
    Where ancient buildings hold their place,
    Remnants of a time long past,
    Whispers of ghosts that forever last.

    In narrow streets, I see them glide,
    Echoes of centuries, side by side.
    When I look at you, you remind me of thee,
    A note of Shakespeare in your artistry.

    A mental journey, I take with grace,
    Past the poet’s famed dwelling place,
    Where once he penned with fervent might,
    From that window, in the soft twilight.

    Into the library, ancient and grand,
    With creaky stairs and shelves that stand,
    A vintage couch, cozy and warm,
    Postcards on walls, a charming charm.

    A little tea nook, a coffee machine,
    Cookies and cake, a delightful scene.
    I look out the window, a romantic view,
    A river flows gently, ‘neath trees that grew.

    A fellow student gives me an insight
    a book by Albert Camus, a philosophical sight.
    He speaks of Hegel, with passion and flair,
    Dismissing the fakes, with a knowledgeable air.

    I scan the shelves of a bygone age,
    Open an old book, turn the page.
    The pages are yellowed, dust in the air,
    Of an artist known, yet few truly care.

    A hidden world begins to unfold,
    Fascinated by truths, like treasures of gold.
    So obvious, free, yet few take the time,
    To look a bit closer, to seek and to find.

    Like them, I draw inspiration anew,
    From the old masters, I join the crew.
    Traveling through art, from town to town,
    From harbor to harbor, where traders surround.

    Survivors and rhetoricians, sneaking in style,
    Making their deals, with a cunning smile.
    I sit at this table, of weathered wood,
    With books all around, in history I’m hooked

    I leaf through the pages, studying deep,
    Until darkness falls, and the world’s asleep.
    All have departed, just scholars remain,
    In the next room, their knowledge to gain.

    I read and I ponder, until I can see,
    The wisdom curated by mentors for me.
    I carry their stories, their legacies true,
    Continuing the journey, inspired by their view.

    In references shared, the circle is drawn,
    From past to present, a new dawn is drawn.
    In the old town’s charm, I wander and stray
    continuing the journey, inspired by their way.

  • Wasted

    Sep 3, 2024

    Title: “Wasted”

    Verse 1:
    Wearing my faded shirt,
    Standing by the sink,
    Washing my hands with soap,
    But all I do is think of you.
    I put my watch on wrong,
    Maybe time will turn around,
    Buying a few more clocks,
    Hoping I can slow it down.

    I buy too many pillows,
    Searching for comfort zone,
    Arriving late on purpose,
    Letting fate take its course.
    Wasted talent, but I don’t care,
    I’m enjoying doing nothing,
    Just letting my mind drift away,
    Like a message in a bottle,
    With a handwritten note.

    Verse 2:
    Take a sip of my beer,
    Bitter like the autumn air,
    Summer’s fading into dusk,
    Nights are getting cooler now.
    Watching water as it flows,
    Observing plants as they grow,
    Waiting for the cat that won’t come near,
    Cleaning my messy room,
    As if someone’s coming here.

    I wear my shirt inside out,
    Thinking it might hide the stains,
    Talking to you like you’re listening,
    Packing my bag like I’m about to leave.
    But I hesitate, wasting time,
    Missing yet another chance,
    The gambler of opportunities,
    Dreaming dreams that slip away.

    Standing by the window,
    Looking at the cityscape,
    High above the chaos,
    No glimpse into the abyss.
    Just a beautiful view from the rooftop,
    Thousands of glowing windows,
    Lost in my thoughts,
    As the sky turns violet-blue.

    Verse 3:
    Like the shadows under my eyes,
    Overworked and chronically tired,
    Searching for meaning, as if it exists,
    Stepping out like it’s not too late.
    Pressing the tram button,
    Hoping the door will open,
    But the train leaves without me.
    Spending money like I have enough,
    Wearing brands like I could afford,
    Writing pages long,
    As if I have something to say.

    Drowning in my pretenses,
    As if I were someone else,
    Waiting here for you,
    Like you’d ever show up.
    Breathing in dust and soot,
    Acknowledging nature, as if untouched,
    Separating indoors from outdoors,
    Like there’s a boundary.

    In this cabin-sized space,
    I write like I’m filming a reel,
    Looking at you with pleading eyes,
    Hoping you feel some pity.
    Amidst junkies and narcissists,
    I see vulnerability in person,
    Fragile like an ancient vase,
    Trusting in respectful ways,
    Believing in the good,
    Seeing the seriousness of it all,
    Like the tracks of trampling feet.
    Walking the path as if there’s a goal,
    Checking my watch like I’ve tracked time,
    Staying awake for hours,
    As if you’d still reply.

  • Here we are

    Sep 2, 2024

    Title: “Here we are

    Verse 1:
    I wonder what you’re doing,
    You’re on my mind all the time.
    Somehow you’ve captured my attention,
    And I hate myself for this climb.

    I ask myself what you want to say,
    Why you chose to be here today.
    What is it that you see in me?
    Why haven’t you walked away?

    Don’t let me pull you down,
    Go on and live your life.
    Here’s just a pile of ashes,
    A failure lost in strife.
    Hours spent alone,
    Typing on this screen,
    Searching for a way to be happy,
    In a world that feels so empty.

    Verse 2:
    Someone hopelessly in love,
    Always facing disappointment.
    Hurt and yet I come back,
    Caught in this endless torment.

    I keep making the same mistakes,
    Never learning from the pain.
    No idea what I’m doing here,
    No idea what you’re doing, either way.

    Don’t let me pull you down,
    Go on and live your life.
    Here’s just a pile of ashes,
    A failure lost in strife.
    Hours spent alone,
    Typing on this screen,
    Searching for a way to be happy,
    In a world that feels so empty.

    No idea what we’re doing,
    Just drifting through the night.
    Caught in this confusion,
    Searching for what feels right.

    Don’t let me pull you down,
    Go on and live your life.
    Here’s just a pile of ashes,
    A failure lost in strife.
    Hours spent alone,
    Typing on this screen,
    Searching for a way to be happy,
    In a world that feels so empty.

    No idea what I’m doing here,
    No idea what you’re doing, too.
    Just two souls lost in the silence,
    Wondering what to do.

  • moon in the trunk 🚗 🌝

    Aug 24, 2024

    Here’s a passage from “Silent Hostage”:

    Verse 8
    Under the flickering lights, my heart nervously races
    Let’s play cat and mouse, caught up in the chase.
    I step to the front, with a mask pulled low
    Empty the register, and make it quick, let’s go,
    A bottle falls and shatters, while time stands still.
    Fragments of broken pieces, a rush of cold thrill.
    In everyone’s shock, the tension feels tight,
    As I grasp for the cash, yearn for northern lights

    Verse 10
    I blindfold the moon and bind her to a chair
    In the stillness of night, I whisper in her ear
    Her mouth is covered with a soft cloth,
    I keep you on hold, where silence feels wrong
    I hope you’ll wait till the act has drawn to a close
    In this waiting loop, where patience paces slow

    Here I stand, with a notebook in my pocket,
    I stole the moon and put it in a locker.
    Wanted by misfortune. …and sorrow
    Stalked by black clouds. I’m a thief that just borrows.

    This is how I would continue the story:

    I’ve got a moon in my trunk and a sports bag. The gagged moon beside it is a silent witness to the crime. I give you my number, and we meet for a handover. But I don’t want the money; I just want you

  • Silent Hostage

    Aug 24, 2024

    Silent Hostage

    Verse 1
    In the shadows, he walks alone,
    A black coat with a soul that’s worn.
    Been through the nightmare, felt the wreck,
    Mastered the suffering, no time to forget
    Not quite young, but still with resolve,
    With weariness inside, a story to evolve.

    He wears his blue hat, walks through the night,
    Facing the darkness, subtly lit by lantern light
    Suffering with style, he won’t back down,
    A fragile heart, but he carries it well.
    Tears and blame, they come and go,
    But he’s got a depth that only he knows.

    Verse 2
    Broken pieces stitched up tight,
    A heart that’s mended, ready for the fall.
    Each moment a story, each tear a sign,
    He’s learned to endure, not to resign.
    With every misstep, he finds the way,
    Taking the night walk, come what may.

    He wears his blue hat, walks through the night,
    Facing the darkness, subtly lit by lantern light
    Suffering with style, he won’t back down,
    A fragile heart, but he carries it well.
    Tears and blame, they come and go,
    But he’s got a depth that only he knows.

    Through the dark streets, he wanders alone,
    A shadowy figure, a truth unknown.
    With whispers of secrets that linger in air,
    He moves with a purpose, a silent despair.
    Each resonating footstep, a story untold,
    In the depths of the night, his endurance unfolds.

    He wears his blue hat, walks through the night,
    Facing the darkness, subtly lit by lantern light
    Suffering with style, he won’t back down,
    A fragile heart, but he carries it well.
    Tears and blame, they come and go,
    But he’s got a depth that only he knows.

    Verse 4
    Every lint in the fabric, every thread and each flaw
    Tells of things he didn’t want to know, but that he saw.
    A vintage jacket, accompanied by a timeless watch
    Each tick a reminder of moments that life caught.
    He is accustomed to the dreary times
    Where sun hides away and clock’s slowly chimes.
    With a liver that’s weathered like old red bricks,
    And a heart that was stitched but still yet flicks

    Verse 5
    He walks into the subway, down below,
    Hearing the rush, the squeal of tracks in tow,
    Vibrations in the earth, a pulsing sound,
    The train rolls in, and he’s spellbound.
    We step inside, I take a seat, he gazes out the glass,
    Lost in the reflections, as the world rushes past,
    the scenery blurs away, a fleeting scene,
    Until the final stop, he steps out and enters routine.

    Verse 6
    He walks to a convenience store, takes the bottle from the shelf,
    Reaches for the drink, a choice I know well.
    We have three options, and each one involves suffering
    Unbearable like a stream that lags, constantly buffering
    Always a sudden interruption when I experience happiness
    A hidden hint that self fulfillment can sink into emptiness.

    Verse 7
    While paying his dues, the wallet slipped from his hands,
    A few coins rolled away, clinking softly across the land.
    They scatter like stars across the floor,
    I pick them up and toss them in the well of wishing’s lore.
    Taking the suffering with calmness and chill,
    Finding peace of mind in the bitter sip,
    I watch them suffer quietly, standing still,
    A blurred drink, where caution starts to slip

    Verse 8
    Under the flickering lights, my heart nervously races
    Let’s play cat and mouse, caught up in the chase.
    I step to the front, with a mask pulled low
    Empty the register, and make it quick, let’s go,
    A bottle falls and shatters, while time stands still.
    Fragments of broken pieces, a rush of cold thrill.
    In everyone’s shock, the tension feels tight,
    As I grasp for the cash, yearn for northern lights.

    Verse 9
    With a revolver in his hand, bullets of trouble,
    A tool of despair, caught in the shuffle.
    He aims for solace, there’s no target for the crosshair
    He looks in the mirror, and finds only despair.
    In the silence of night, he faces his fate,
    A troubleshooter, trapped in, he hesitates.
    With lungs that suffer and a heart that’s torn,
    He’s learning to breathe, though the pain feels worn.

    Verse 10
    I blindfold the moon and bind her to a chair
    In the stillness of night, I whisper in her ear
    Her mouth is covered with a soft cloth,
    I keep you on hold, where silence feels wrong
    I hope you’ll wait till the act has drawn to a close
    In this waiting loop, where patience paces slow

    Here I stand, with a notebook in my pocket,
    I stole the moon and put it in a locker.
    Wanted by misfortune. …and sorrow
    Stalked by black clouds. I’m a thief that just borrows.

<3 academic alone art artist artwork autumn bird blog blue blue hat blues book broken heart caffeine call car cold crime criminal cry cute daily dark Dark academia dead deadline design dream drink drive exam season eyes fire game golden heart horizon hot illustration infinite infinity Jealousy kiss leaves literary long loop love lovely bird lover melody mind moon music music poem nature nest night notebook notes park photography piano pillow pocket poem poetry quote rabbit rain recommendation red relationship robbery roofie sad shades short story sketch sleep deprivation song space stairs stars steal student study summer sun sunny thief thread time tram tree verses walk wasted you