Category: Uncategorized
Good night 🌜
I hope you’re doing well. 🙂 I think I have enough poems for a small collection. Now I’m trying to draw illustrations to go along with it. One or more scenes for each. Let’s see. I wish I could draw illustrations like JJ Grandville. I love this kind of illustrations.
Actually, I need another page for photography. I’m wondering how I could incorporate this here. I also have photos from my travels, where I take the most pictures – not always artistically, but just randomly to document my journey. I have so many pictures that I can’t choose a specific number for a gallery. It…
11 PM – 4 AM
It’s 3 AM in the middle of the night. I’m stepping in duck poop and wondering what I’m doing here, with a tripod and an SLR camera. But that’s how it should be. 11 PM was the perfect time. Not too late to panic, but also not too early for passers-by to walk into the…
Photography fail
So, that was another fail action. I went out with my camera equipment and good lens because I wanted to take some pictures of the park since it was so beautifully quiet. And before all the leaves have fallen. And the next few days will be party nights again. I had everything with me, and…
I will use my mirror reflex camera more often now, instead of just taking photos with my phone. I am very frustrated that I took all my camera equipment on my last trip, but then didn’t take a single photo. I am ashamed. But unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough time. Maybe next time.
no drama llama ✌️🦙
I understand what it’s like to feel down or blue, but I no longer feel that way. My tagline for some time now has been ‘no drama llama’. While I’m not a therapist or a counselor and recognize that everyone faces their own unique challenges, I’d like to share a few pieces of advice that…
how to explain that 😳 🫣
I realize I may not have communicated my thoughts clearly before. When I made comparisons, I didn’t intend to focus on physical appearance; instead, I was trying to convey the magic and artistry found in writing. When I picture my favorite writer walking through the streets, it evokes a sense of historical significance, almost as…
urban sketching
A few years ago, I bought a book on urban sketching, and it has been a great source of motivation for me. But drawing architecture is quite a challenge for me. Photography has long been my companion in exploration while traveling through various places, allowing me to freeze moments in time. However, I feel a…
Sep 2, 2024 When you’re waiting for a sign or hint …it needs to be very obvious for me to understand it. Even if a meteorite crashed down next to me, I still wouldn’t get it and would think it’s a coincidence, which would basically be true. [ insert meme here ]