Category: Uncategorized

  • Photography fail

    So, that was another fail action. I went out with my camera equipment and good lens because I wanted to take some pictures of the park since it was so beautifully quiet. And before all the leaves have fallen. And the next few days will be party nights again. I had everything with me, and…

  • Camera

    I will use my mirror reflex camera more often now, instead of just taking photos with my phone. I am very frustrated that I took all my camera equipment on my last trip, but then didn’t take a single photo. I am ashamed. But unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough time. Maybe next time.

  • time thief 🕵️‍♂️

    Aug 23, 2024 I look at the clock; it’s 11 PM. I take a note, blink once, and suddenly the clock shows 3:38 AM. Sometimes I wonder if my clocks are broken because time passes so quickly. Someone must be stealing my time. I can’t explain it. 👻 🤨 I bought a few new clocks…

  • love is in the air ❤️

    Aug 22, 2024 After a long drive and an argument during a car ride… see the poem long drive. This car freshener is supposed to spread love. The prettiest car freshener I’ve ever seen. I think I’ll wait until I finish my studies and can afford a new car. Then I will hang it on…

  • lens cap

    I still need to buy a lens cap for my camera. The camera is way too old. Before I eventually get a new one, it will serve its purpose one more time.

  • JJ Grandville’s Un Autre Monde (1844)

    Aug 15, 2024 I really like the illustrations by Sir John Tenniel, who drew the illustrations for Alice in Wonderland. Now I’ve discovered another ancient illustrator. You should definitely take a look at the surreal illustrations from J.J. Grandville’sUn Autre Monde (1844). “Until now, I believe, no work of art has understood and expressed dreams”…

  • and go on till you come at the end

    The White Rabbit put on his spectacles. “Where shall I begin, please your Majesty?” he asked. “Begin at the beginning,” the King said, very gravely, “and go on till you come at the end: then stop.” —Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1920:182)

  • ❤️

    Aug 15, 2024 Listening to Bill Withers – Just The Two Of Us This is my new heart pillow, I gifted to myself. I saw it in the shop window of a book store back then, and it was love at first sight. It’s super soft and super nice and super cute. I’m totally in…

  • mini harmonica

    Aug 8, 2024 Soon I’ll be in Berlin. I want to go to that vintage store where I saw this necklace with a mini harmonica as a pendant. I wanted to buy it back then, but I thought I shouldn’t spend so much money. Now I regret that I didn’t buy it. I hope that…

  • My first post

    Hello there, welcome to my art blog Here I want to post daily stuff, artwork and literary work. I love illustration and storytelling. A blue hat is someone feeling blue or having the blues.