Author: blue hat

  • photography

    Actually, I need another page for photography. I’m wondering how I could incorporate this here. I also have photos from my travels, where I take the most pictures – not always artistically, but just randomly to document my journey. I have so many pictures that I can’t choose a specific number for a gallery. It…

  • autumn day

    Today I took a walk in the park. It was a beautiful late summer/autumn day. The sun came out from behind the clouds and cast a golden ray. It was very pleasant. Next time, I would like to sketch a few trees and some scenes in the park. But on Sundays, when the weather is…

  • wrong tea

    I’m currently going through caffeine withdrawal. Today, I wanted to drink chamomile tea, and I must have accidentally taken a tea bag from the wrong package. I was already wondering why the tea tasted a bit different. But it was still somewhat bitter and tasted similar to chamomile. When I had almost finished it, I…

  • Good night 🌜

    I hope you’re doing well. 🙂 I think I have enough poems for a small collection. Now I’m trying to draw illustrations to go along with it. One or more scenes for each. Let’s see. I wish I could draw illustrations like JJ Grandville. I love this kind of illustrations.

  • Photography fail

    So, that was another fail action. I went out with my camera equipment and good lens because I wanted to take some pictures of the park since it was so beautifully quiet. And before all the leaves have fallen. And the next few days will be party nights again. I had everything with me, and…

  • Photos of sky

    After a rainy afternoon yesterday, the gray sky has taken on a beautiful hue. There is nothing more satisfying than a camera that captures colors accurately. Although my camera is 15 years old, the model is probably even older.

  • Camera

    I will use my mirror reflex camera more often now, instead of just taking photos with my phone. I am very frustrated that I took all my camera equipment on my last trip, but then didn’t take a single photo. I am ashamed. But unfortunately, there just wasn’t enough time. Maybe next time.

  • Take a walk

    2024/06/23 at 2:11 pm So… the most important thing in life is to keep moving. Both physically and mentally. I go for a walk in the park.

  • gentle piano

    The sky wears a cloak of grayAs birds sing their midday tuneA neighbor’s piano gently playsIn the bourgeois quarter’s afternoon The melodic notes drift through the airA soothing balm to the soulCaffeine fuels my creative flairAs I savor instant noodles in a bowl Words flow onto the paper with easeCrafting my term paper with careDreams…

  • Old Master

    I wander through the old town’s heart,Where ancient buildings hold their place,Remnants of a time long past,Whispers of ghosts that forever last. In narrow streets, I see them glide,Echoes of centuries, side by side.When I look at you, you remind me of thee,A note of Shakespeare in your artistry. A mental journey, I take with…