Artist’s Blog

  • walk home – poem

    Jul 29, 2024

    I wrote these verses on my way home while I had to wait for the tram and came home. It truly happened.

    Walk home

    The evening settles in,
    A balmy warm summer night,
    Darkness slowly creeping,
    Under a sky so bright.

    A beautiful, radiant blue,
    With streetlights glowing orange,
    I come home late tonight,
    While vacation spirits flourish.

    People dressed for summer,
    In skirts, shorts, and flip-flops,
    I’m in my black shirt and jeans,
    with a laptop bag, as the night drops

    Waiting for the next tram,
    Glancing at the display,
    Impatiently I sit here,
    Thinking I’m relaxed today.

    Yet my legs move restlessly,
    As I step on board the train,
    Old-school carriage filled with life,
    Hipsters, alternatives all the same.

    From every walk of life,
    I wonder where I fit,
    I step off and cross the tracks,
    As the darkness starts to knit.

    Windows glow with stories,
    Neon signs flash bright,
    The downtown streets breathe softly,
    As the city sighs goodnight.

    A random dude walks past me,
    With brown hair and blue shirt in lantern light,
    A tote bag slung over his shoulder,
    Roller-blades in each hand, a dreamy sight

    In my thoughts, your voice whispers,
    A haunting, sweet refrain,
    Before my inner vision,
    your drawing still remains.

    I can’t help but think of you,
    your shadow fills my mind
    Yet I know it’s someone different,
    but I see your silhouette for a while.

    You vanish down a side street,
    I watch you fade into the night,
    As our spirits lose their trace,
    Our paths now part, no more in sight.

    I’m finally arriving home,
    stepping into the courtyard’s calm,
    Hidden by the weathered brick walls,
    Embraced by the evening’s balm.

    I’m looking down, as i unlock my door,
    your ghost whispers me my secret key
    I step into the known and enter the usual
    Like the mirror in the hallway you reflect my fears.

    I ascend the weary stairs,
    the ancient wood beneath me creaks
    reminds me of the deep despair
    of feeling innerly broken, as hope slowly leaks.

  • downside

    Jul 28, 2024

    when nature writes you the beginning and you just complete the verses 😀

    This is the situation I’m in right now. I try to capture the atmosphere and my present thoughts. And my surroundings, the situation I find myself in.


    outside, the sun shines bright,
    Its rays peek through the blinds’ light
    Casting a pattern of bars on my desk,
    an avenue of light and shadows, picturesque
    the study holds me in chains,
    going through a hundreds of pages
    they keep me in intellectual servitude
    seeking wisdom in certitude
    serving time like a servant, it seems to be
    I place your portrait, a reminder of thee
    a test of patience, I’m not a good waiter
    just killing my time as narrator
    I put my hand in my pocket
    there are some coins left
    I gaze upon the coin in my hand
    leave it to fate – tails or heads,
    they keep telling to bet on tails
    I find favor in the flip side and fail.

  • straight down – right in the blue

    Tying my shoelaces, pulling my jacket on,
    Grabbing my handbag, locking the door, I’m gone.
    Rain starts to fall, a moment of doubt,
    But I walk straight ahead, fear all but out.
    Walking into the depths of my mind,
    No fear grips me, troubles left behind.
    Accustomed to mishaps, I stand tall,
    Unfazed by fate’s attempts to enthrall.
    Drenched by the rain, yet I feel no dismay,
    I’m used to everything going wrong,
    I relish the calm and freedom,
    come what may.
    Too blind to see the signs, the hints I miss,
    Unaware of the messages, lost in mislead.
    probably I shouldn’t heed my intuition,
    But read the map, lest I fall in infinition

  • music poem part 3

    listening to music,
    that soothes me
    I like every shade of the notes
    the vibrations go into my bones
    my body starts to tremble,
    I don’t know if I can handle it
    listening to music endlessly
    losing the grip and gravity
    caught in an infinite loop
    press repeat every time like snooze
    I would like to stay lying down
    floating like leafs all around
    in this wildflower meadow
    creating depths like a shadow
    through the lens of absorption
    memories blur into distortions
    shimmer like a reflection of light
    by and by the sun rises
    is it chance or intention
    so blinded by love
    that I cannot see my flaws
    please don’t wake me up
    don’t shake me up, don’t take me up
    i don’t want to be awake
    just let me pass away
    or lie with me down in my grave
    don’t worry we’re safe
    the time has been set
    there will be no regrets
    just close your eyes
    and drift away
    the effect makes you daze
    looking for a cause in space
    that tempts me to press play
    I want you here to stay
    just repeat it one more time
    no matter what happens
    never let it end…

  • listen to music endlessly (music poem part 2)

    I just wrote a love poem. Dedicated to my love of music. <3

    Jul 27, 2024

    infinite longing

    striking e-guitar strings
    reading verses of longing

    I’m wondering what you’re thinking
    yearn to listen you singing

    your charm is so true
    can’t stop thinking about you

    my heart’s racing so fast
    when I come across your path

    it was love at the first sight
    with you time flies by

    sitting here for hours
    tending towards you like a flower

    days pass by like seconds
    i don’t care what happens

    i wish you’d hold my hand
    and you would be my loving friend

    Waves crashing on the shores
    their frequencies echoing evermore

    a flock of birds flutters away
    a seashell is stranded with delay

    When sand trickles down
    the wind whistling’s sound

    is stroking through your hair
    one of these moments so rare

    looking at the vibrant sunset
    a gradient from blue to cozy red

    You shine so brightly
    please hug me tightly

    listen to the noise of the sea
    planets transition horizontally

    nature paints its masterpiece
    a starry night sky scene

    sinking deep into a dream
    you’re the loveliest I’ve ever seen

    never felt such affinity
    you are the vast infinity

    everything else loses its meaning
    when getting stuck in daydreaming

    I lose myself in your gaze
    trying to focus in the blur

    when our eyes meet
    I avert my gaze sheepishly

    let me fall… into pillows
    from a wildflower meadow

    the ground is fading away
    I’m falling much too deep

    can you hold me?

    please don’t let me fall, please don’t go
    Never let our love cease to flow

    as the music plays on,
    i hope it never ceases.

  • 2 more deadlines

    Jul 24, 2024

    I was actually working on my submission until 11.59 pm yesterday. Unfortunately I didn’t finish and now it’s getting exciting, but it should be just enough …I hope. 🙏

    2 more deadlines and then I’m done. 👌

    For someone with exam nerves, this is torture. But I faced up to my fear. At least I tried.

    I have had too many courses this semester and thought I would manage it. But now I’m really messed up. 😮‍💨

    I used to be married to Mr. Blues. Now I’m married to Mr. Stress.

  • deadline 💀⚰️

    Jul 23, 2024

    Unfortunately, I no longer have the energy for my submission. I would like to continue writing on my blog. I will now do my best until midnight and hope to just barely pass. I simply cannot look at this code anymore. i’ve already put so much time into it. it can’t be true. I just can’t take any more. it will be total crap. i’m praying to god right now that i will pass it and hope that i will have a lot of luck. 🍀🤞

  • new illustration: inspiring music and meaningful verses (music poem part 1)

    black matter ink, illustration by me (Jul 22, 2024)

    Jul 22, 2024

    Meaningful verses

    the soul has been setting free
    trying to find harmony n peace

    feeling lost somewhere in space
    your melody has left a trace

    following the gentle voice
    from note to note

    it’s like having no choice
    reading every verse you wrote

    it leads me to your mind
    where the music plays behind

    each melody unfolds a story
    deep from your memories

    while lost in daydreams anew
    you give tones a meaning true

    the ink’s made of black matter
    when writing with a feather

    the bottle tips over by chance
    turns nothing into substance

    the moment the liquid spills
    is the moment time stands still

    overwhelmed by your presence
    this is how our fate happened

    sinking into your thoughts
    loosing myself in a cause

  • good morning

    Jul 22, 2024

    Hello out there!

    Today is the second to last stressful day. Unfortunately, I wasted a lot of time, but it was worth it. I feel mentally better and it has gotten a bit cooler today.

  • new illustration: roofie & sunny

    Jul 22, 2024

    I’m currently listening to Boney M. – Sunny and drinking the worst iced coffee of my life. I am glad to show you a new illustration: “Roofie & Sunny” 🌞🏠❤️

    Two days before the deadline, but I absolutely had to create this graphic. Whenever I have to take exams or have absolutely no time, I feel the strongest inner urge for drawing. I couldn’t reconcile it with my conscience to go so long without doing something creative. It was totally daft to waste so much time on it, as I’ve now lost at least half a day because of it. But I somehow feel a bit freer now and am getting back to work.

    It was created in my attic apartment in an old building, where I feel like I’m melting like chocolate at a constant 30 degrees. I find it unbearable here and I’m cursing every day, but it has so much charm that I can’t say no.

    The illustration is inspired by retro cartoon characters and was created using the vector program Inkscape. (By the way, I find Inkscape a thousand times more intuitive and easier to use than Adobe Illustrator, and I can create illustrations much faster.)

    Unfortunately, I’m not very good with typography and finding a suitable quote. But a typography title is still missing. I’m still not completely satisfied with the color contrasts. What I would do next would be to try out a few filters.

    Regarding the graphic: On the left is the character “Roofie,” who is being adored and kissed by “Sunny.”

    He loves her, but also suffers when she becomes too clingy. You know how it is…

    How much I would love to start a little mini-comic series featuring these two characters now. <3

    Additional Image Description: (also for visually impaired)

    The image is drawn in a cartoon illustration style and features two cartoon characters. The background is a round light blue circle. On the left is the character “Roofie,” depicted as an attic apartment or house with a roof.

    Roofie is depicted in 3D. The walls of Roofie are light yellow and have a few red-colored bricks. The roof has red tiles.

    Roofie has a tired look and is sweating profusely. Sweat drops are dripping from him, leaving a puddle on the floor. He is reaching out his arms with an open mouth. Steam is rising from his chimney. In his speech bubble, it says “?!”.

    To the right of him is the character “Sunny,” personified as a female sun – approaching him from the side and embracing him with her left hand. The sun is depicted in yellow. Sunny has slightly red cheeks and eyelashes. Her eyes are closed as she kisses the roof of Roofie. Her left leg is slightly bent. Red hearts are rising. In her speech bubble, it says: “You’re so hot!”. Her kiss is passionate, while “Roofie” looks in a different direction, appearing helpless.

    (Matching the hit: Sunny released in 1976 by Boney M. is a song that captures the essence of joy and positivity, with its upbeat melody and catchy lyrics.)

    Edit: Here’s the transparent image:

<3 academic alone art artist artwork autumn bird blog blue blue hat blues book broken heart caffeine call car cold crime criminal cry cute daily dark Dark academia dead deadline design dream drink drive exam season eyes fire game golden heart horizon hot illustration infinite infinity Jealousy kiss leaves literary long loop love lovely bird lover melody mind moon music music poem nature nest night notebook notes park photography piano pillow pocket poem poetry quote rabbit rain recommendation red relationship robbery roofie sad shades short story sketch sleep deprivation song space stairs stars steal student study summer sun sunny thief thread time tram tree verses walk wasted you