Night Photography: Castle Park

So, yesterday I took my old camera out for a spin. It’s been a long time since I did any photography with that camera. I only remembered the settings for long exposure later on. The tripod isn’t very stable, and it wobbled a bit when I pressed the shutter button. Three-quarters of the photos turned out blurry. I think I should’ve cleaned the lens too – there was a lot of dust on it. You really need some patience when you’re shooting long exposures. In the meantime, I also took some pictures with my smartphone, and I think some of them turned out better. But when you look closer, they’re pretty noisy, and that can’t really be called photography. Well, if I were to invest at least €1500 in a new camera, if not more, plus another €1000-2000 for new lenses, I could get some brilliant results. But it is what it is. I’m just trying to make the best of what I have.

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