blue kiss – raw text

Aug 10, 2024

Here is a poetic text about Blue Kiss. I’m in my writing process. But it doesn’t have any rhymes yet. The challenge is to maintain the meaning or to hide a few dark truths behind metaphors.

Blue Kiss

(Verse 1)
In a dimly lit room filled with the scent of ink and paper,
Out of nowhere, amidst the darkness,
The impulse to lose a thought in the blue,
At the peak of the cliff, never felt so happy,
I’ve forgotten what the abyss looks like,
I don’t need to run from death,
I can walk past it as if nothing matters.

The barstool at the counter leans,
Just like the chair at your desk,
Facing you, an empty seat, inviting.

(Verse 2)
In a flashback, you see yourself sitting here,
Making a strong drink,
With smudged black eyeliner and mascara,
On the glass, a dark red lipstick mark,
It’s dark, a little wicked and forbidden,
Free from your fears, you kissed him,
The decayed taste of death lingers in your mouth,
It smells of smoke in the room, and it’s hazy,
Like your vision, you take a brush for the canvas,
The blue paint runs in the water, like the color in the cocktail,
You’ve mixed up the glasses.

In one glass is harmless blue paint,
And in the other, the deadly mix,
The powder dissolves, like the smoke in the room,
You become one with the substance flowing through your veins,
Every sensation dulls and fades like sound,
You stumble, yet you perceive the fall in slow motion,
You focus on walking while you’re already on the ground.

(Verse 3)
You look at the clock and the date,
The future is now,
The black ink under your eyes has been wiped away,
But the dark shadows still remain,
The dark circles can’t be erased,
Your lungs strain to catch a breath,
The memory of the blue triggers apnea,
You gasp as if you’ve run a marathon,
Your heavy heartbeat runs like an old car,
The tank didn’t quite make it to the end,
You stepped out of the car; it wasn’t the end,
And for the rest of your life, you just keep walking,
Indifference sets in, so often left behind,
So often hurt and disappointed,
So often humiliated and degraded,
But it doesn’t matter anymore; you just keep walking.

(Verse 4)
You take a seat at this table,
Inviting yourself and pouring a drink,
Longing for the days when melancholy inspired your art.
Though those times are gone,
The memories linger like shadows in the night.
You wish to embrace that bittersweet feeling again,
And you dip the pen in the black ink,
You ponder the bittersweet nature of memory.
You take a sip from the drink and kiss the blue,
But you fear not just the drink,
But also the blue feelings.
You don’t know if you could go through that again.
Right now, you would only take small sips,
In the past, you would have downed
The whole drink with a strong alcohol mix
And other ingredients, like ‘Kiss of Death.’ Literally.
The drink lingers for ten years afterward,
And you can’t shake the taste of death;
It’s constantly present.
The effect sets in slowly,
Like the soothing touch of the Kiss of Death.

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